
Top 3 Factors for Start-Up Success

There are numerous books, blogs and articles that offer tips and ideas on how to make start-up businesses grow and be profitable. However, human as we are, we always look for an easy way out– a simpler and less-complicated way of dealing things. Thus, we will give you only the top three (yes, just three) most important and relevant factors on how to ensure the growth, sustainability and profitability of your start-up business.


  1. Top-quality employee management

First on the list must be top-quality management. Let us accept the fact that you cannot run your business without your employees. Accept it. Your employees are the bloodline of your company and without their skills and expertise, your business will surely fail. Thus, be respectful, not necessarily overly kind, but show some respect and gratitude for the work they have contributed to the company. Surely, by inculcating the value of respect, the culture of professionalism and good ethics will follow through. This will consequently develop to strong teamwork and hard-work among the staff and strengthen their desire to help the company achieve its goals of obtaining growth, sustainability and profitability.


  1. Excellent products and services offering

This will be the foundation and branding of your company. By maintaining the provision of excellent products and uncompromising customer service, you will be able to become increasingly profitable. And although you may have the most dedicated, qualified and talented team of staff, it is your primary job as the director, owner or manager to lead them to greatness and unfathomable excellence. Remember that everyone is human, so will obviously make mistakes at some point. Thus, it is your main responsibility to guide them to maintain a high standard of performance at work.


  1. Wise investment in business development tools and solutions

Finally, do not be afraid to risk and invest in development tools and solutions that can further improve your entire company’s operations. Be very bold and fund that sales and marketing campaign to reach a wider audience and potential clients of the business. Start utilizing meeting booking software and conference room scheduling display technology to effectively manage your company meetings and improve your staff’s brainstorming sessions.


Invest in training programs (internal and external training) to further develop your staff’s skills and expertise. Do not neglect to have at least a session of get-together and team building activities for you and all your staff. Remember, ‘all work and no play makes a person dull’. So give yourself and your employees a little reward for their hard work and dedication in building the company. Loosen up a bit and rejuvenate your senses so that you will have a renewed mind to plan another set of unique and creative business strategies to further develop and grow your company.


All these tips are general guidelines on how you can lead your start-up business to success. Considering that you are still starting a company, it is highly probable that you have the capacity to directly communicate and interact with your employees. You have the opportunity to show how you want to achieve and maintain the excellent products and services you offer. As a leader, capitalize on this strength to build good relationships among your staff so that you can instill your company’s core values, vision and mission. By doing this, you are strengthening the foundation of your company, which will be stronger under fluctuating market conditions and uncertainty in the industry.

Okay Rune

The author Okay Rune