
Essential Bathroom Items for Men

Gone are the days when a toothbrush, toothpaste and a bar of soap were all that the average man needed to clean up. In fact, nowadays, many men use as many personal care products as the average woman and they spend a lot more time and money on looking, feeling and smelling good. We have a look below at some of the essential bathrooms items for the modern man.

An electric toothbrush

All that effort to manually brush your teeth and you still clean only 50% of it properly – invest in an electric toothbrush to ensure that your teeth are cleaned more thoroughly in the same time and with even less effort. Modern electric toothbrushes have pressure sensors to make sure you are not putting too much pressure on your teeth and gums, causing damage, as well as longer-lasting batteries compared to previous generations.

Fluoride-free natural toothpaste

To complement the electric toothbrush use a natural toothpaste that doesn’t contain fluoride, which supposedly does more harm to our bodies and the natural environment than good. There are many kinds of toothpaste out there that are made from natural ingredients and aren’t as harsh on your teeth. The modern man should care just as much about the environment as his own body.

A long-lasting deodorant

No one wants smelly pits or stains under their underarms on their shirts and a good deodorant will help prevent this. Deodorants will only mask the smell, while an antiperspirant will also prevent sweating. There are many great smelling options at all price levels from Lynx to Hugo Boss deodorants, meaning you should never head out without underarm protection.

High-quality aftershave

Aside from looking good, smelling good is almost as important. As with a long-lasting deodorant, a high-quality aftershave will also contribute to smelling good. A high-quality aftershave will have a higher amount of oils in them, meaning it should last longer on the body. Even with close contact frowned upon during the covid pandemic, there is no excuse not to ensure you are smelling good at all times.

Facial scrub

The bar of soap you also use for the rest of your body is no longer enough to maintain good skin. A facial scrub should be used prior to washing your face in order to help exfoliate, remove dead skin cells and oil from your pores. You don’t need to use this every time you wash your face as it can become too abrasive on the skin over time, but twice a week should suffice.

These are some of the essential items all men should have ready in their bathroom. Looking after ourselves physically will benefit us mentally and have us looking and feeling more confident.

Okay Rune

The author Okay Rune